by - July 07, 2020

One of the most difficult parts of our body when it comes to losing some fat and toning is definitely our belly area. Great abs just can’t be formed there easily. It’s also very important what food you eat and whether you exercise. The food we consume is responsible for almost 90% of our abs, so we need to be very careful about it.

What Is The Process Of Preparation?
  • Put a bunch of parsley into a food processor and start blending it.
  • Take 1 lemon and squeeze its juice into the parsley.
  • Add ½ a cup of water inside this mixture and blend everything well for several seconds.
This juice should be taken 5 days on an empty stomach. Make a 10-day break and you can start drinking it again. The first results should appear in 2 or 3 days. Parsley is the most important ingredient in it. It contains an abundance of vitamins that will help you digest food well. Lemons will help you burn fat. Your whole metabolism will be improved with the help of this mixture.

Here Are Also Some Drinks That You Might Find Useful:
Flavored water – take a mug of cold water and chop several vegetables or fruits. The water will be filled with vitamins and minerals and its taste will be enriched.
Green tea – this tea is amazing for decreasing belly fat and improving digestion. You can improve its taste with a little bit of honey.Watermelon smoothie – watermelon contains a lot of water. Combine it with some yogurt, ice and refreshing fruits and you’ll obtain the best smoothie.
This parsley-lemon juice combined with a healthy diet will help you have the belly you’ve always wanted.
But, in case you’re having problems with feeling good and exercising, then maybe the problem is something else.
Many people eat well and train hard, but still, they feel bad, they aren’t emotionally strong and their health starts deteriorating.
Sometimes we know that something is wrong within our body, but doctors can’t discover what it is.
It can be something which affects people of all ages, no matter if they are active or not.
It’s something that might shock you…
and can be connected to your tight hip flexors. The hip flexors act like an engine for our body. They help us move, control the way we stand, sit, balance, etc. Basically everything goes through our hips.
In case they become very tight, many problems can appear, even in people who are active. The following suggestions come from the founder of the internet’s longest-standing strength site, CriticalBench.com., a personal trainer, Iron Man magazine contributor, national best-selling fitness author and sports nutrition specialist Mike Westerdal. He’s telling you 10 of the key moves you can do in order to make your hip flexors not so tight and help you feel better.

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